The Aspire Community Foundation

Empowering and Uplifting Communities through Working Together

Vocational Training
Educational Programmes
COVID Food Relief Programmes
Sustainable Livelihoods
Sustainable Farming
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The Aspire Community Foundation was set up to help Sri Lankan communities to improve their quality of life through education, training, welfare and  sustainable development programmes, including relief for those whose livelihoods have been affected by the COVID crisis and other difficulties. We work with volunteers and in collaboration with other NGOS, providing essential services and programmes that align with our objectives of empowering and uplifting Sri Lankans in urban and rural areas of the country.

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.



Sustainable Farming & Food Distribution

We have distributed food supplies to communities that have been affected by COVID and the economic crisis across the country. Sustainable agriculture programmes have been implemented with partners to help communities become self-sufficient with generating income and food.

Sri Lankan school children in classroom, Sigiriya, Ceylon.

Educational Support

Supporting the educational needs of children in Sri Lanka, including children of prisoners, care leavers and special needs schools through projects with Partners has  provided sponsorships and bursaries to help students at university and school continue their education.

Skill Development Programmes

We work with partner NGOs to support vocational training schemes for youth including English Classes, Computer Skills training and other vocational skills qualifications. 

Our Mission

To support and uplift Sri Lankan communities through welfare and community-based programmes in:

-educational and vocational training

-entrepreneurship and small business support

-food supplies and  essential welfare needs 

-responding to the Covid crisis through relief programmes

Our Vision

To educate, empower and elevate Sri Lankan communities, to improve their lives and make useful contributions to society.

About us

Our aim is to narrow the inequality gap, through welfare and sustainable development programmes to help uplift and empower those in need.

The Aspire Community Foundation supports Sri Lankan communities to create lasting impact through sustainable programmes to support future generations. We aim to make a difference through working together to improve lives.

Our Programmes

Projects adapted to the community

Since our incorporation in 2021, we have worked with schools, volunteers and other organisations to support those in need of welfare, education and other services, to create sustainable outcomes.

We work with partner organisations and volunteers who help us reach rural communities to support them with immediate welfare needs and long term sustainable livelihood projects, enabling their journey to self-reliance.

Projects funded
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Families Benifitted
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Our Causes

Food programmes for those in need

Food supplies and support for communities whose livelihoods have been affected by the pandemic in 2020, and the economic crisis in Sri Lanka since 2022. This includes daily wage earners and marginalised groups.

Access to Education and Skills Training

Supporting programmes to develop skills and education in rural villages, for care leavers and disadvantaged groups with limited access to skill development opportunities.

Small Business & Food Cultivation Programmes

Supporting small businesses and sustainable agriculture in rural communities with training, support and seed funding.

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